Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pulling myself up by my bootstraps

I am no longer selling educational materials. My decision to discontinue that work was based 75% on lack of confidence in the product and the organization behind it, and 25% on lack of confidence in my sales skills.

Since Labor Day, I have been working on a database update project. My client is a person I supervised when she was an intern. This is the fourth year I have worked on this database update project. The first two were while I was still employed at Saperstein Associates. I expect to finish the project this week.

Over the weekend I created a document in Google Docs and got a shareable link for it. The purpose is to advertise my skills as a voice communicator. I also got  new email address for this venture. I am looking for work that I can do at home. I am now responsible for driving my son to and from school, so it would be difficult to take a job outside of the home.

I had an idea to create another document and link the first document to it, in which I would tell stories from my years on the phone. I decided that this blog would serve that purpose.

So, future posts on this blog will contain stories from my years on the telephone. Meanwhile, please take a look at my new online flyer. If you know of anyone who could use my help, please pass along the information.

John C. Stevens, Voice Communicator
(614) 772-2332

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